WINTERSHORTS 4th edition

25th & 26th Febraury 2022, 8 p.m.
10th District, Vienna

WINTERSHORTS is a tour through studios and ateliers of performance artists in the 10th district with insights into current rehearsal processes and a freely accessible performance program.
Paula Dominici (c) Michael Loizenbauer
A 20-minute dance solo with Paula Dominici choreographed by Elio Gervasi and Alberto Franceschini, with sound design of Alessandro Vicard
25-26/02, 20.00 at RAUM 33, Laxenburgerstrasse 28-30, 1100 Vienna
Full Program
Friday, 25. February
19:30 Liquid Loft / Living Room
20:00 Raum 33 / Tanzcompany Gervasi
Performance „Echo“ with Paula Dominici
20:30 Liquid Loft / Living Room
Stand-Alones - Videopaintings
21:00 Liquid Loft / Living Room
Live in concert: MNCLR and Peter Kutin
Saturday, 26. February
13:30-16:30 (come & go)
Studio Matsune - Open studio with
"Yoga for a better world" with mirabella paidamwoyo dziruni
"Low volume djing" by Adina Camhy and Mzamo Nondlwana
"Something" by Frans Poelstra
"Misfortune cookies" by Michikazu Matsune
13:30-16:30 (come & go)
Studio Anne Juren, Roland Rauschmeier (WTKB)
Mesmerizing artworks by Anne Juren in a creative surrounding and performative elements by Roland Rauschmeier.
17:00-19:00 Bears in the Park:
Verena Herterich/Oravin
Fabian Faltin
- works in progress -
17:00-19:00 - Studio Anat Stainberg
Exhibition, Opening Simulation
17:00-19:00 - Studio Otmar Wagner
Open Atelier + Exibition 'BLACK & WHITE' - three models
19:30 Liquid Loft / Living Room
20:00 Raum 33 / Tanzcompany Gervasi
Performance „Echo“ with Paula Dominici
20:30 Liquid Loft / Living Room
Stand-Alones - Videopaintings
21:00 Liquid Loft / Living Room
Live in concert: Coco Bechamel